


War Zones as Social Space

Conflict Trade

Business and International Crimes

Arms and Mines

Peace Operations



ICT Tools


NSP Manifesto



The New Security Programme

The New Security Programme (NSP) conducts research into the social conditions - both global and local - of insecurity, conflict and war. The objective of the NSP is to assist in global efforts to improve security for affected populations through research and policy formulation activities in the areas of social and economic living conditions and responses to conflict. The research agenda of the New Security Programme will mark an attempt to understand the conditions that pose threats to the safety, security, and well being of people and the policies and practices of responses to these threats.

The NSP is a continuation of Fafos Programme for International Co-operation and Conflict Resolution PICCR. Since its inception in 1998, PICCR has implemented a series of policy fora and research projects related to peace operations and international responses to civil wars. PICCR ended formally on December 31, 2003. All PICCR projects initiated under PICCR will continue under the NSP.


In Focus


Karen Ballentine

Karen Ballentine contributed to our understanding of the economic factors that help sustain wars. Before her death last month from cancer, Karen worked as a consultant for IPI, Fafo, and the UN, and helped make the Red Flags and other initiatives possible. A memorial to Karen can be found here.

Red Flags

International Alert and the Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies launched the Red Flags guide and web site 23 May 2008 at a seminar in London. Go to www.redflags.info for updates on a number of the cases referred to in Business and International Crimes.






Rick Hooper in memoriam
